Flu Injection Summary Report

The Flu Injection Summary Report will give statistics of net new business as a result of flu injections administrated and billed within a specified time period. This will allow your store to measure the success of your flu injection program by viewing the:

  • Count of new patients added because of a flu injection
  • Count of increased # of prescriptions associated with these patients (New, Refill, ReAuth; with a separate count of Transferred-In prescriptions for these patients)

This report will only display data based on prescriptions that have a status of COMPLETE or AMEND, as well as the Fill Date falling during the specified report period.

Sample Report

Click on an area in the sample report to see a description of the field.

Flu Shots

This section refers to the total number of Flu prescriptions filled in PharmaClik Rx during the report period.

1st Time Flu Shot

  • #: The total # of new flu prescriptions filled during the specified time period. Only prescriptions with a status of COMPLETE or AMEND will be included in this total.


  • #: The total # of Refill or ReAuth flu prescriptions filled during the specified time period. Only prescriptions with a status of COMPLETE or AMEND will be included in this total.


  • Total #: A cumulative total of the # of Flu prescriptions in PharmaClik Rx that have been filled within the report period
  • Total Rx Sales: The dollar amount collected from all Flu prescriptions dispensed during the report period. This is the sum of the Cash amount and the Third Party amount. The value indicated here will be the same calculation used for the Total field in the Gross Profit by Prescription Report. Calculation: Cash + Third Party = Total

Flu Patients

This section refers to the total number of patients in PharmaClik Rx that had a flu related prescription filled within the specified reported period.

New Patients

  • #: The total # of new patient records that were created as a result of a flu prescription.

Existing Patients

  • #: The total # of patients that had a flu prescription filled and had a prescription filled previously at the pharmacy within the last 24 months.

Returning Patients

#: The total # of patients that had a flu prescription filled and have not had a prescription filled at the pharmacy within the last 24 months.


  • #: The total # of New, Existing, and Returning patients that had a flu prescription filled during the report period.

New Business Acquisitions

This section refers to the net new count of prescriptions obtained from the additional business ‘New and Returning Flu Patients’ have brought to the pharmacy as a result of a flu injection. Only prescriptions where there has been no break in service greater than 24 months count as new business acquisitions.

New Rx’s

  • # Rx: The total # of New prescriptions associated with new business acquired.

Transferred in Rx’s

  • # Rx: The total # of prescriptions that were transferred-in based on the net new business.

Refill and ReAuth Rx’s

  • # Rx: The total # of Refill and ReAuth prescriptions associated with new business acquired.


  • Total Rx Sales: The dollar amount collected from all prescriptions (New, Refill and ReAuth) dispensed during the report period as a result of the new business acquisitions. This is the sum of the Cash amount and the Third Party amount. The value indicated here will be the same calculation used for the Total field in the Gross Profit by Prescription Report. Calculation: Cash + Third Party = Total.
  • Gross Profit $: The dollar amount of profit obtained from New, Refill and ReAuth prescriptions as a result of the new business acquisitions. The value indicated here will be the same calculation used for the GP$ field in the Gross Profit by Prescription Report. Calculation: (Third Party+ Cash) – Acq Cost= Gross Profit $.
  • Gross Profit %: The percentage value of gross profit obtained from New, Refill and ReAuth prescriptions as a result of the new business acquisitions. This is the sum of the Cash amount and the Third Party amount. The value indicated here will be the same calculation used for the GP% field in the Gross Profit by Prescription Report. Calculation: (Gross Profit $ / Third Party + Cash) x 100 = Gross Profit %.

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